Walking/Biking to School
Walking/Biking to School
Walking & Biking to School Safely
Below are several links to pedestrian and bicycle safety videos for students, parents and young drivers. PennDOT developed the videos to provide a creative way to keep students safe on their walk or bike to school. As a walking District, it is even more important to teach your children safe walking and biking skills. We encourage you to watch these and share them with your child as you see appropriate. They are a great way to start the conversation of safe walking and biking to school. Many were filmed right here in Camp Hill!
Pedestrian Safety:
- One Parent to Another – Targets parents on how to teach their children the basics of safe walking.
- Walk This Way – Teaches elementary school children safety tips when walking to and from school.
- Why Walking Rules – Teaches middle school children safety tips when walking to and from school.
- Close Call – Teaches young motorists how and why to safely operate a motor vehicle in relationship to pedestrians.
Bicycle Education:
- Before You Ride – Targets elementary school students and parents on such basics as bike selection, helmet fitting, bicycle safety checks, and securely parking a bike.
- Basic Riding Skills – Describes essential riding skills, such as braking, balancing, turning, hand signals, and selecting safe travel routes to school to elementary school students and their parents.
- Riding on the Road – Teaches middle school students and others learning to ride their bicycle on the road the rules of the road and demonstrates riding with traffic, yielding, stopping, turning, avoiding hazards, passing parked cars, and proper lane positioning.
- Sharing the Road – Covers roadway positioning of cyclists, traffic and hand signals, safe turning, and cyclists' rights on the road to younger motorists, bicyclists, and others who are unfamiliar with existing bicycle laws. Also discusses how motorists and bicyclists can safely share the road.
- Bicycle Laws – Demonstrates common offenses by both motorists and bicyclists and reviews common misconceptions of bicycle laws. Target audience is motorists, cyclists, and law enforcement officials.