Parent Portals
Student Information System (SIS)
eSchoolData, the District's Student Information System (SIS), is a web-based program used by CHSD to maintain student records. The eSchoolData SIS Portal provides parents/guardians access to a wide variety of academic information. A portal account will be created for parents/guardians after the registration process is completed.
For parents of students in grades 6-12 the SIS portal makes it easy to view current academic information, allowing access to grades, class schedules, progress reports, report cards, etc.
For parents of students in grades K-5, the SIS portal is where you will find your child's classroom teacher assignment.
For all parents, we request that you annually review your contact information, emergency contacts, medical information, and policy acknowledgements during our summer contact verification process. At any time of the year, you can update your username and password, phone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contacts in the SIS portal.
Student Information / Demographics
Current Schedule
Report Card
Progress Report
Annual Health Screening Letter
Demographic Update Form
Medical Forms
To change an address within the Borough of Camp Hill, please complete and submit an Address Change Request Form (with the required documentation).
CHSD uses Schoology Learning Management System (LMS) for our classroom course management and mobile learning resource. Schoology enables our students, parents and teachers to engage with learning materials and their school community from the classroom and beyond. We have found Schoology to be a great asset in enhancing connectivity and communication across our Camp Hill community.
With Schoology, students can digitally submit assignments, review grades, participate in interactive discussions, receive announcements and feedback, take tests, write academic blogs, and more. As a parent/guardian, you will be able to view your child’s activity within the platform, review course information, and monitor grades and assignment submissions.
As a parent, you will be sent login credentials from the Schoology system providing a login link, username and password to access the Camp Hill School District system. We value your participation in your child’s education. Student progress and activity will be monitored by faculty to ensure a safe, secure, and controlled environment.
Course Instruction
Assignments / Homework
Tests / Quizzes
Student Grades / Comments
Due Dates / Calendar Events
Teacher Assignment Comments
Teacher Assignment Rubrics
Parent/Guardian / Teacher Messaging
Teacher Announcements / Communication
Building Announcements
For a resources on using the Schoology Parent Portal, please download the Parent Portal Guide below.
For further assistance in accessing the Schoology Parent Portal, please contact Mrs. Amanda Rhinehart, Director of Technology, by email at, or by phone at 717-901-2400 ext. 5940.
CHSD utilizes Xello for our K-12 Career Readiness and Transition program. Xello is an online program your child is using in school to help them prepare for the future. It offers a variety of activities from kindergarten to the end of high school. These activities help students build self-knowledge, explore their options, and create achievable plans. They develop the 21st-century skills needed to thrive in the world of work.
It’s important for students to take ownership in planning for their future. But the caring adults in their life play an essential supporting role. Use your Xello Family account to see your child’s work in future-readiness. Use this opportunity to discuss and support their future goals and plans.
When your child’s school has created a Xello Family account for you, you’ll receive an email to the email address provided in our SIS. The email will include a link to activate your account within 17 days of receiving it. All you’ll need to do to get started is set a password. If you don’t have a Xello Family account, ask your child’s teacher to create one for you.
If you forget your password, go to the website and select Having trouble signing in? to enter your email address and reset your password.
For further assistance with your Xello Family account, please contact Mrs. Margaret Mayberry, K-12 Career Readiness and Transition Coordinator, at
Blackboard Connect
The Camp Hill School District uses the Blackboard Connect as our mass notification system to send communications via phone calls, text-alerts, and e-mails. Alerts may include emergency messages, school closings, delays, early dismissals, and announcements from your student's school (outreach messages).
IMPORTANT - The district's Student Information System (SIS) IS connected to Blackboard with a nightly transfer of updated Parent/Guardian demographic information. Any demographic changes made in the SIS will transfer to the Blackboard Connect system.
For questions regarding Blackboard Connect or notifications, please contact Mrs. Anna Grove, District Registrar, for assistance at, or 717-901-2400 ext. 5939.
Lion Academy
The Lion Academy is Camp Hill School District's K-12 virtual learning option, in partnership with the Capital Area Online Learning Association. The Lion Academy provides students an online educational option in either our full-time or part-time program offerings.
For more information on our program, please click here to be taken to our Lion Academy webpages.
For parents/caregivers who need assistance with their Lion Academy login information, they should contact the Lion Academy Administrative Assistant or the Distance Learning Coordinator.