6th Grade Science
Welcome to 6th Grade Science!
This course is designed to be engaging, to help students get excited about science, and to prepare for higher level science classes in middle and high school. Our main curriculum focus is physical science and scientific processes, but we try to incorporate some real world topics from nature and life science. For the second half of the year one of our projects is Pennsylvania Trout in the Classroom (PATIC). PATIC is an experiential program in which our students help raise and release rainbow trout while maintaining a cold water aquarium system and learning about water quality and chemistry.Visit your student's Schoology page to see more specific information about the courses, homework, and about the 6th grade science fair. The syllabus for the course, which includes textbook and specific content information, is also on the Schoology page in the course headquarters folder. I will post more information including assignments, tests, important reminders, etc. on the Schoology pages for 6th grade science and also on the homework board in our classroom.
Supplies for science class - 1/2 inch three-ring binder, thin spiral notebook (1 subject) to clip into binder, 3 binder dividers with tabs to label (OPTIONAL - small set of colored pencils, notecards for vocabulary)
For information regarding the 6th Grade Science Fair, see science fair folder (after November) in the science Schoology page.
I am really excited to get to know you and your students this year. Please feel free to contact me via email to discuss any questions or issues, or to schedule time to meet.
Instructor: Christi Hadden
MS Room 103
717.901.2400 x31036th Grade Science Syllabus https://docs.google.com/document/d/16wLIQi8DbeVtXdgETi7ksvq9_vEp_nboA_cO9nSwxU0/edit?usp=sharing
Camp Hill Homework Grading Policy
The Camp Hill Homework completion policy states that homework should be turned in the day it is due, or it is graded as a "0." Larger projects and labs may be turned in late for reduced credit. See the Camp Hill student policies for official guidelines.