My Home Page



    Make reading a part of every day. 

    Spend some time talking about stories, pictures, and words.

    -The National Institute for Literacy


    Reading Intervention -Grade 6

    Reading Literacy- Grade 7

    Reading Intervention Grade 7 co-taught with Mrs. Bryant

    Reading Support - Grade 8 co-taught with Mrs. Nester



    The more you read, the more you know.

    The more you know, the more you grow!



    Please visit Schoology for all of my course content.


    Parents, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:


    Students in reading class for 7th graders:  Please have a one inch binder for class. 

    8th Grade Students should have a folder for class. 




    Contact me here @ CHMS AT ext.  3114