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Transitioning from Secondary Education to Adult Life

Transitioning from Secondary Education to Adult Life

The Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) are pleased to announce the release of a new website which is a central information hub for youth and families navigating the transition from secondary education to adult life.  The name of the new website is "Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Guide" and can be found at 



Visit the Capital Area Employment 1st Virtual Transition Fair

by going to

There are a few new videos under the success stories/words of wisdom session as well as a session on interviewing called How to Interview – The Good, Bad and Ugly done by staff at Goodwill.




 ¢ents and $ensibility - A Guide to Money Management by the Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation

Is This Book for You?
Are you a resident of Pennsylvania? Do you want to learn more about managing your money? If you said yes to both questions, this book is for
you. The key is to manage your money, instead of letting your money manage you.



Kutztown University offers My Place Program to academically qualified students with disabilities.  My Place provides enhanced services for Kutztown U students with autism spectrum disorders.  The program focuses on three major areas:  academics, social skills and daily living skills.


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