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Gifted Programs

Gifted Programs


Camp Hill School District offers the following gifted programs* that provide opportunities for acceleration, enrichment or both. *The word "programs" refers to the continuum of services, not one particular option.

The Camp Hill School District offers opportunities for acceleration, enrichment, or both for students identified as gifted.  At the elementary level, students are grouped according to their reading and math levels.  Gifted students work on reading materials and assignments above their grade level. They may move more quickly through the core material and therefore participate in lessons that expand (enrich) their skills, as well as progress onto skills in the next grade level.  During an intervention time called What I Need (WIN), gifted students are grouped together to work on various projects on topics that coordinate with standard, not only at their grade level, but the grade level above. Activities include additional opportunities for experimentation, research, discussion, and written products. Under the gifted teacher's guidance, they can choose topics in their areas of strength and interest. The topics can be in the areas of science and social studies, as well as English language arts and math. The Gifted Individual Education Plan (GIEP) team reviews the student’s present levels at least annually, to decide when the student should be accelerated into the next grade for a particular subject area or for the entire grade (grade skipping).  For example, the team might decide that the student's strengths are across subject areas and sufficiently advanced to have the student skip a particular grade.  If this happens, the GIEP is written to reflect that the goals are for above grade level material.    As another example, another student might have a strength in only one subject area. The team might decide that the student should advance to the next grade only in that subject area.


At the middle school level, acceleration and enrichment occur during the courses chosen by the GIEP team of which the student is a member.  A student with a strength in language based areas may be placed in replacement enrichment reading courses in sixth and seventh grades. Students may be accelerated into a higher level course in their area(s) of strength.  For example, a student may qualify to take pre-algebra then algebra, geometry, etc.  a year before most of his/her peers would take those courses. The GIEP team works within the course offerings and schedule to meet the strengths and interests of middle school students.  Because the middle school and high school are within the same building, students can advance in courses without transportation or school day mismatches.   Students may work on independent study projects under the direction of the gifted education teacher.  The topics may coordinate with projects in any of the core academic areas. For example, students have researched science fair topics to complete more sophisticated science fair project, which is a sixth grade science requirement.  GIEP goals are developed around the student's strength and special interest. Students who demonstrate high achievement across all academic areas may accelerate into the next grade at the recommendation of the GIEP team.   At the eighth grade level, some gifted students may qualify to take Honors level courses and have GIEP goals written as enrichment goals designed to enhance the curricular goals of the course.


At the high school level, some students meet their strengths and interests through their choices of courses and extra-curricular activities.  They might choose to take Honors and Advanced Placement Courses earlier than their peers.  They may choose to concentrate their electives in a particular subject area, advancing more rapidly in that area than in others.  An example of this would be taking several World Languages as electives or choosing additional science and math courses.  A few students choose to complete high school in three years instead of four or to enroll in a post-secondary school for college credit prior to graduating from high school.  Independent study projects and internships can be developed in areas of strength and interest with the support of a mentor teacher, the gifted teacher, and parents/guardians. Online courses may be used to provide flexibility in scheduling required courses and for meeting the enrichment and/or acceleration needs of the student.  Finally, if the GIEP team decides that the student's needs are being met within the general education curricular offerings, the recommendation may be made to discontinue the GIEP.