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Safety and Security

Safety and Security

Camp Hill School District
Safety & Security


Camp Hill School District is committed to the safety and security of students, faculty, staff and visitors on its campus.  In an effort to maintain vigilance in our security and preparedness measures, the following procedures have been outlined:

  • The School Board has promulgated policies requiring the development of an All-Hazards school safety plan for the Camp Hill School District.  This All-Hazards comprehensive school safety plan covers the four areas of emergency management:  mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
  • A Threat Assessment Team has been established and students and staff have been trained on the resources made available through the team, as well as proper threat reporting procedures.
  • All schools continue to conduct emergency drills to prepare for various emergencies.  Medical Emergencies, Shelter-in-Place, Fire Evacuation, ALICE and Severe Weather Emergency drills take place on a regular basis.  These are also periodically practiced in cooperation with local emergency management personnel.
  • Entrances at each school have limited access and visitors are required to register at the main office before entering.  All visitors are required to wear a dated identification sticker.  All school personnel are issued, and must carry, photo-identification badges.
  • Blackboard Connect is a mass communication notification system used by both the District and Borough to notify parents, students, staff and the community of emergency events. If you have not registered, click here.  

While the Camp Hill School District Administration recognizes the need for transparency in operations, we also recognize the need to designate certain critical emergency and safety procedures as secure and sensitive in nature and not publicize procedures and information that could be used to harm our students and staff.  Thus, specific emergency plans will not be published here.

However, for basic information on how your cooperation and assistance will help the District and our students during a crisis, click here.  Good planning facilitates a rapid, coordinated and effective response when a crisis occurs.

The Camp Hill School District takes pride in being a walking school district.  For safety information on walking or biking to school, click here.  

The Camp Hill School District maintains regular communication with the Cumberland County Department of Public Safety, the Center for Safe Schools, local emergency management personnel and participates in regular countywide Safe Schools Meetings.  If you have specific questions about the District's school safety efforts, please contact:

Kerry Martin
Director of Human Resources, Safety Officer
717-901-2400 ext. 5945

Daniel Serfass
717-901-2400 ext. 5985

Jeff Ammerman
Director of Business and Operations
717-901-2400 ext. 5941