• 4th Grade will have Science rotations during the 2nd and 3rd marking periods.  

     Science rotations:

    Energy (Electricity and Magnetism) = Mrs. Witmer

    Soils, Rocks and Landforms (split into investigation 1 and investigation 2) = Mr. Kepner/Mrs. Hatch

    Environments = Mrs. Tafoya

    Earth and Sun = Mrs. Gottdiner


     4th Grade Team of Teachers:

    Mrs. Hatch – chatch@camphillsd.k12.pa.us – classroom phone = 901-2600   ext. 2212

    Mrs. Tafoya – ctafoya@camphillsd.k12.pa – classroom phone = 901-2600   ext. 2209

    Mr. Kepner – kkepner@camphillsd.k12.pa.us – classroom phone = 901-2600   ext. 2207

    Mrs. Witmer – cwitmer@camphillsd.k12.pa.us – classroom phone = 901-2600   ext. 2206

    Mrs. Gottdiner – bgottdiner@camphillsd.k12.pa.us– classroom phone = 901-2600 ext. 2210


    Please feel free to contact that teacher if you have a question regarding Science.  Thank you!