Second Grade

My Home Page

  •  Welcome to Mrs. Williams' Webpage!  

    Please feel free to contact me anytime at



    My official last day this school year will be October 31st. After this date, you can contact Mrs. Wirth at
    Some items to think about for your 2nd grader for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year:
    Student items:
    -Headphones (preferably not earbuds): Sent in a ziplock storage bag with name on it
    - Waterbottle (taken home daily and filled before school)
    -Daily individually packed snack
    * Due to the limited storage space no additional school supplies from home are needed. We will be providing each student with their own, pencils, scissors, erasers, a glue bottle, glue sticks, colored pencils, folders, and a pencil case. No sharing of these items will take place during the school day.