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CENTRAL REGISTRATIONRegistration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open! Click the appropriate link(s) for additional information and instructions. To learn more about each school, click on the links below. To register your student with the Camp Hill School District, please see the Register a Student tab. Please note, Camp Hill is a walking/biking school district; the district does not provide transportation to and from school.
Hoover Elementary (grades K-2) / Kindergarten Program (CHSD offers a half-day kindergarten program)
Eisenhower Elementary (grades 3-5)
Camp Hill Middle School (grades 6-8)
Camp Hill High School (grades 9-12)
Anna Grove, District Registrar
(717) 901-2400 ext. 5939
District Administration Office
418 South 24th Street
Camp Hill, PA 17011