Welcome to Camp Hill Athletics



    2024 Fall Sports Sign Up Information

    1. Initial Sign Up Sheet - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdiWhmYHvwoI-vmKN__MFatgGavkI7ALzcgFQVd_PxrYdRlcA/viewform?usp=sf_link



    2PIAA Sports Physical Information Packet & Instructions   

    a.  Physical Examination Forms - to be completed by ALL student-athletes

        1. Section 5 and 6 Form
        2. After completion of the Section 5 and 6 form by the physician, please scan in and email to lsimpson@camphillsd.k12.pa.us. No paper copies will be accepted The physical must be performed/dated on or after June 1st each school year, as per PIAA rule.  Make sure everything is filled out completely.  Do not miss a parent and student signature at the bottom of section 5, and Section 6 must be signed and dated by the medical examiner in order to be accepted.


    b.  ImPACT Test - to be completed at home by 7th, 9th, 11th graders and any new students at Camp Hill

        • At Home Instructions:

          - Login to your school computer using your username and password

          - Go to https://www.impacttestonline.com/testing/

          - Enter this code in the customer code box:  D04039D6A7 (the 0’s are zeros)

          - Click launch baseline test

          - You are now ready to begin the test. Take your time and read all of the directions.

          - When you are finished, you DO NOT need to email or print the results. Just close out of the program

          - You do not need to take the baseline more than once per school year (For example, if you’ve taken it for fall soccer in 9th grade you do not need to take it again for basketball in 9th grade)


    c.  Rank One Online Registration - to completed by ALL student-athletes

        1. Select the link below to begin the registration process (PIAA CIPPE Sections 1-4 and additional forms will be completed through the online registration):


          Please do not use autofill for completion of the forms.  Using autofill has been causing forms to be filled out incorrectly.  Make sure the top of each form has a student name and not a parent or guardian name.  Forms filled out incorrectly will be denied and need filled out and resubmitted again. Contact Rank One for tech support at support@rankone.com with any tech related questions.



    2024-25 Sign up/paperwork deadlines:




    High School Football and Golf

    8/1/2024 by 3pm


    All other high school fall sports not listed above and JH Football

    8/8/2024 by 3pm


    Middle School Field Hockey and Middle School Cross Country

    8/15/2024 by 3 pm


    High School and Middle School Winter Sports

    11/14/2024 by 3pm


    High School Spring Sports

    2/27/2025 by 3pm


    Spring Middle School Soccer

    3/6/2025 by 3pm









    Camp Hill School District Athletic Health and Safety Plan

    Please visit the tab on the left-hand side to review the approved CHSD Athletic Health and Safety Plan. 



    Attention any student who is interested in participating in a sport at Camp Hill:

     Any Student that is interested in participating in sports must have insurance.  All athletes must have a physical, with the PIAA Physical form completed by a physician after June 1st to participate in athletics for Fall, Winter and Spring Sports.  

     In addition to having a physical and being signed up for any athletic program, all Rank One forms must be submitted.  For more information regarding physicals and paperwork please see the Instructions for Paperwork link above.

    Athletes must maintain academic eligibility and represent the Camp Hill School District positively at all times.




     Siebert Park Stadium rental requests, please contact the 

    Camp Hill Boro for more information.


    Follow us on Twitter @GoCHAthletics !!



    Related Files

    1. Camp Hill SD Voluntary Student Accident Brochure